They are generally classified as: OVAL, ROUND, RECTANGULAR, SQUARE, DIAMOND or HEART shaped
How to determine your face shape
Step 1 - Get a flexible measuring tape
Step 2 - Tie your hair back
Step 3 - Get a pencil and paper
Step 4 - Sit/stand in front of a mirror
Step 5 - Measure the distance straight across from the hairline on one side of your forehead to the other. Basically measure accross the widest part of your face. Write the measurement down.
Step 6 - Measure across your cheekbones. Feel for the most prominent part of your cheekbones with your fingertips. To get a more accurate measurement, hold the tape measure straight across in front of your face and eyeball where it lines up with each cheekbone. Write the measurement down.
Step 7 - Measure from each end of your jaw to the tip of your chin. From below your ear to the tip of your chin. Multiply the number by two and write it down.
Step 8 - Measure the length of your face. Take your tape and measure from the center point of your upper hairline down to the tip of your chin. Instead of closely following the contours of your face, hold the measuring tape straight up and down in front of your face and eyeball where it lines up with your hairline and chin. Write the measurement down.
After you’ve made all the measurements and written them down, determine which measurements are greatest and which are smallest. Compare the proportions of your face with those typical of the common face shapes.
- For example, if your face is about as long as it is wide, it is probably round or square. A square face has a wider, more angular jaw than a round face.
- If your face is longer than it is wide, it may be oval, or rectangular. To determine which, look at how your forehead, cheekbones, and jawline measure up.
- If your measurements get gradually narrower from forehead to jawline, your face is heart-shaped or oval. If they’re similar all the way down, your face may be square, or rectangular
How do I know which earrings will suit my face shape?
Here is a list of face shapes with the suggested earring styles to help you choose wiser.
SQUARE SHAPED FACES: Large hoops, narrow chandeliers and long drop shapes are perfect for square shaped faces.
ROUND SHAPED FACES: Long dangling earrings that extend below the chin will create and illusion of a longer face, geometric shapes such as rectangles, trapezoids and squares will also compliment your face shape.
RECTANGULAR SHAPED FACES: Rectangular faces are somewhat similar to oval faces, only slightly longer. Jewelry that draws attention away from the length and adds width is the most flattering for this face type.
OVAL SHAPED FACES: The most flattering earrings are the ones that do not make your face seem elongated. Hoops, chandeliers, teardrops and other soft shapes that end just above the chin are perfect.
HEART SHAPED FACES: Teardrop or triangular earrings create and illusion of a wider jawline and are perfect for heart-shaped faces. Hoops, curves and other space-filling designs are ideal.
DIAMOND SHAPED FACES: Earrings that balance the angles of your face work well with a diamond shaped face. Chandelier earrings that are wider at the bottom or studs and earrings close to your ear are great options.